Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Family you meet along the way

We dont get to chose our family we are born into, some of us are born into a family that have great values and communication (kudos for that). Others like myself  are part of a family more disfuctional, with different opinion, alot of drama, gettting in each other business. Thankfully we meet great friends along our journey of life that become more of our family than the one with same last name. We all have the power to decide who can be part of the family you are creating for yourself. A family that wont judge you for your sex, religion, education background, sexual orientation, criminal history, ect..(crazy shit we only confide on true friends).

My friends are who keep me sane when my real family drives me crazy. There's nothing like going to a friend house and drink beer and talk about stories, life and how frustrating work can be. I've made really good friends in california who I truly consider part of my family and I never thought I would be able add any more member when I moved to oregon. But I have to admit I have met great friends here in the pacific northwest too. We dont have to be each other's business all the time, but when we hang out we have such a great time, we laugh, we cry, we drink, and we exchange our knowledge and passion for life.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that!

    I can honestly say that this is like reading my own thoughts - I could never have imagined when I left my friend family in CA that I'd one day find myself a member of one equally amazing here in OR... But I am eternally grateful that I have!

    Love you guys!!!
